Why is workplace happiness so important?
There's no doubt that being happy at work is a good thing. However, one person could define happiness in a very different way than someone else. For one employee, happiness could be flexible working --but for someone else, happiness could be incentives and bonus related.
Workplace happiness isn’t a one size fits all ideal and it’s all about knowing your employees and helping them to achieve happiness in their own way.
Money is rarely the main driver in happiness at work, whereas work-life balance and being able to do meaningful work hold more weight in workplace contentment.
Stephen Colarelli, one of the psychologists at Central Michigan University says. “First, dogs lower stress, heart rate and blood pressure, and make individuals who work alone feel less lonely. Second, people are perceived as more friendly and approachable when a dog is present in the office. Finally, it’s likely to increase cooperation and other positive behaviours among members of work groups.”
Competition time
One of our favourite, and fun, ways to combat stress and enhance happiness in the workplace that we have seen is by introducing an office dog to the team! Many of our branches across the UK have regular visits from our consultant’s pooches and they really do boost morale and creativity.
As this Friday 23rd of June is national ‘Bring Your Dog to Work Day’ we have decided to not only take part and donate, but also run our own little competition on twitter for your office dog to win a hamper full of goodies.
Simply follow us on Twitter @OfficeAngelsUK and share your photos with us at #OAOfficeDog and you could win! Winner will be announced on Monday 26th June.
Find out more